The first week of working from home is over. It is a bit of a hassle, working at the kitchen table while the children are asking every 5 minutes if I will play with them, but I must say I’m managing quite good. I can’t complain though, compared to my wife who works at a nursing home during the corona crisis, working from home isn’t so bad. Since my wife has had a long week, it seemed to me like the perfect time to open a bottle of ‘Keizer Blauw’ from 2015. A beer we both like to drink fresh, but we have never drunk a matured version before.

The children are in bed, time to put 2 spotless glasses on the table and pick up the bottle from the basement. What is peculiar, is that the bottle continues to foam gently but steadily when uncorking (given the fact it’s matured). The foam head has some residue on top of it, just be sure I remove it.When pouring it in the glasses, it foams slightly less than with a fresh one, but still more than enough.

Time for the first sip … Man this beer is delicious! Over the years, the flavors taste like they blended into each other and the less carbonation present makes the beer softer. You’d almost forget that it’s a beer of 11 percent. The taste is reminiscent of caramel, chocolate and hazelnut, a combination that would do well in many desserts.
Often there is a tip with regard to food pairing. However, I am not going to give you that tip. Honesty commands me to say that it is usually just chips I’ll eat with it, and when we truly want to celebrate, a piece of old cheese. I can recommend both with this beer though, so still a tip!